3 Deadly Causes Of Piles And What You Can Do About Them

Piles is another word for hemorrhoids. Piles are swollen veins that are situated around the anus. Piles can be a problem of men and women not depending on their age.

You can also use the leaves of a turnip plant to also stop the problem associated with piles. What you need to do is to extract the juice first and then 150 ml of turnip juice should be consumed by the patient. Make sure that you have the proper amount of raw fruit and vegetables when using this.

High fiber diet - piles are irritated every day during a bowl movement. If you increase your daily fiber with all natural foods like leafy green vegetables, fresh fruit, and whole grain cereals you will soften your stools and reduce the straining during a bowel movement. This will help speed up the time it takes to heal your piles fast.

The good news about piles is that they can be successfully treated. One might not see the warning signs before they occur but once they do, it does not spell doom for you. However, piles can be avoided in the first place to avoid dealing with the after effects.

In more severe cases the puffed up veins can emerge outside the anus and be visible to the human eye. This is usually known as piles (or prolapse) because it's when you become distressingly aware you have a problem.

For a person with intense piles; a concoction here of rice, butter milk and ripe banana taken two times in a day has proved to work. This started many years ago and is more practiced in agriculturally rich countries.

Another natural cure for piles is to apply ice on the skin which helps in contracting blood vessels. When the blood vessels narrow they stop the swelling thereby relieving the pain. Eating radish with black salt is very effective method. Consuming bananas are also considered good. It is also good to include fresh fruits and vegetables as a part of our diet. Juice extracted from ginger when mixed with lime juice, honey form a good natural medicine to cure piles. You can cure piles with certain medications as prescribed by the doctor. These home made products to cure piles are effective and safe to use.

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